
Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance

Northwest CT Public Safety strives to maintain exceptional levels of performance in all categories. From the moment the call for service is answered by one of our highly trained telecommunicators, to the time our first responders finish delivering service to our citizens, we evaluate every aspect of that call to ensure every situation is handled professionally, accurately, and efficiently.

Standardized Protocols

Every call for service received on our routine lines, 911, or text-to-911 is processed through a standardized set of protocols to ensure each call is prioritized properly. This ensures that the most appropriate help is sent at the right time. Utilizing the protocols, we also obtain all the information our first responders need to prepare to handle any situation they are facing. We also use the protocols to provide instructions, sometimes lifesaving, to our callers.



Performance Feedback

Each week, a minimum amount of calls for service are randomly selected for review by our Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement unit. The call is measured against a set of standards to ensure those standards were applied correctly. Each telecommunicator receives feedback on their performance no matter whether they did it perfectly or if there were any deficiencies. Positive reinforcement as well as guidance for improvement work together which allows us to maintain the highest level of service to all our callers, citizens, and first responders.


From start to finish

In addition to reviewing calls received, we also review radio transmissions between our telecommunicators and our first responders to make sure all the information we obtain is passed along to those who need it and any requests from first responders are handled accordingly. We ensure that predetermined responses are followed and appropriate documentation occurs within our computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system.
